Create Perfect Conversations

without a single line of code

Combine OpenAI GPT with Your Own Documents

Upload Files & Vectorize

Upload PDF, TXT or CSV files and create vectorized data for perfect similarity matching of your user's questions and your content.

Audio to Text w/Whisper

Upload your Audio files to OpenAI and let Whisper create the source files for embedding automatically.

Fine-Tune Models

Upload, convert, validate and send your training data to OpenAI for fine tuning your completion models in a few simple clicks.

Livechat Widget

With just a single line of code your own GPT chat widget plus your own set of documents on your website(s).


We can also help you every step of the way with any of the following services.

(Re)structuring Data

Data on all places and in various formats? Let us help you getting it all connected.

Fine-Tune Data

No idea how to create a fine-tune file for optimizing your completion models? Let's talk!

Textualizing Audio

Own (lots of) of videos and podcasts? Let's get those into text for Large Language Model use.

Implementing APIs

Need to connect several platforms as one? Our platform agnostic approach will get you there with any tool you use.

Prompt Design

Not getting the desired answers from your language model? We can help you engineer a prompt that will.

Conversation Design

A Senior Certified AI Trainer / Conversation Designer can help you create a well structured, well written dialog for your business.


Registration is 100% free, as well as using most of the features.

Note: for a short time we offer an introduction offer for the lifetime of your subscription!


0 / month

  • Create Embeddings
  • Vectorize Files
  • Create Fine-tune Files
  • Convert Audio to Text
  • Testing Playground
  • Livechat Widget
  • API Usage

Other Services

Hourly Rate

  • Conversation Design
  • AI Training
  • Copywriting
  • API Integrations
  • Data Implementation
  • Data Analyses
  • Interim Contracts

Costs of OpenAI services will be seperately billed by OpenAI. Prices excl. 21% VAT where applicable.